Re: A reminder to check the efficacy of SARS-COV-2 tests which as we reported in the last update hasn't been followed up on by the FDA since 2023. How do we check the current efficacy of the tests if the hey have not been updated by the FDA since 2023. Is anyone besides the FDA monitoring these tests? Do you know of any PCR or antigen efficacy results reported out in 2024?

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The manufacturers are supposed to be monitoring them but I haven't seen any evidence showing they are doing that.

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The specimens collected in Virginia are likely from international travelers at Dulles Airport.

We need to bring back test and quarantine at the international airports if we have any hope of slowing this thing down. TACT...you haven't shown any XEC variants from Hong Kong, but I'll bet XEC can be found there...probably a LOT (but perhaps not reported).

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Hi TACT...Interesting...I hadn't heard of the KS lineages.

I imagine the Virginia samples you refer to were collected from international travelers at Dulles Airport.

(Such samples are coded with the Ginkgo Bioworks designation who are doing the sampling)

Can't even imagine the smorgasbord of viral variants leaking out of the Olympics in Paris.

I wouldn't make the assumption that more ACE2 binding always leads to better infectivity.

Above a certain threshold, more ACE2 binding probably provides little additional benefit at the clinical level irrespective of results from laboratory pseudovirus assays.

For example, SARS-CoV-2 can infect immune cells which display NO ACE2 receptors.


The bigger deal now, in my humble opinion, is immune escape. The virus is working very hard at optimizing immune escape. It is doing this on a dual track targeting both the humoral and adaptive immune system. Just a facinorous beast we are dealing with.

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A follow-up to my comment below...So, if I am correct and the XEC variants picked up in "Virginia" are actually specimens collected from international travelers arriving at Dulles International Airport, a couple points worthy of consideration...

1) I believe this testing is voluntary at the airports. It was mandatory earlier in the pandemic, but no more to the best of my knowledge. For an international traveler to consent to being tested at the airport, they must feel like poo and are hoping to learn something from the results; otherwise, why would they consent to the test?

2) If the infected travelers arriving at the airport are positive for the XEC variant, they have likely spread this variant all over the aircraft they traveled on which was likely an international flight of longer duration allowing plenty of time for dispersal of the virus. So, seems likely we will see more XEC cropping up in the days ahead. FAFO.

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