We now see how bankrupt doctors and hospitals are. The mask has literally been torn off their facade. They no longer care about the welfare of patients. The concept of Do No Harm is gone. Johns Hopkins Hospital will be ceasing universal masking effective 4/24/23. The only place masks will be required is " for patients on isolation precautions, for sterile procedures in the OR and other areas, and as part of standard precautions." There is no mention in the new mask protocols for masking in pediatric or adult oncology centers, or in transplant clinic areas, or rheumatology clinics.

They are literally throwing the immunocompromised to the dogs.

And where is the outcry from doctors and other health care workers. The concept of the Hippocratic Oath and Do No Harm is gone. We now see doctors and hospitals for what they are - people/institutions who don't care who they infect so long as they get their bottom line back in order.

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The Twitter thread below by Yunlong Cao seems REALLY profound, although somewhat beyond my attenuated intellectual capacity. The 6th tweet down in the thread about immune imprinting and the dynamic evolution of the virus driven by the immunological history of the host is incredible. It's like the virus looks over each victim, analyzes the specific capabilities of that victim's immune system, then does a viral code 'required update' to bypass the victim's immune system. Perhaps this happens at the 'population level', such that different geographical regions might end up with their own specifically tailored variant selected especially for them.

Not sure I have this right. Look forward to your upcoming posts.


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