Stunning. This is the most important article I have read in quite some time. I see layers of an onion being peeled back exposing new connections. I'm saddened that so much rhetoric is just lies and deception. I'm saddened to think of all the misery in so many families and households. And, care facilities! Glad this piece was written. I know that I alone will be defending my quality of life against a bulwark of opposing forces. I am free to select any bridge that I choose to live under.

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I totally agree. I haven't found any source that compares to TACT. I appreciate their perspective.

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The current Administration has done a terrible job of creating public awareness around the fact that COVID is still with us. They declared the end of the pandemic, ended all emergency measures, and clearly gave the public the impression that there’s no longer anything to worry about. It’s mind-boggling to me how many of my friends think Covid is nothing more than a bad cold.

I can’t understand this for the life of me, but it will cost dearly in increased health costs, disability payments, and even lives lost, Albeit at a lower rate.

I’m not saying the previous administration did a good job either, nor am I saying they did a bad job, because I don’t want this to be taken as a political comment it’s not

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Both administration's have done a terrible job at communicating the risks that come with every new infection, at providing guidance that is based on the science and both downplay and largely ignored the risk of Long COVID. This will cost the country and the world in escalating healthcare costs, decreased quality of life, and shorten lives.

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100% agree. Many governments around the world are responsible for the relaxed attitude

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I had a mystery illness in July, and the hospital's urgent care tested me for COVID using an ordinary rapid test (Abbot Binax Now) swabbed only in the nose. I suspect that even doctors and nurses may be uninformed about proper use of the rapid tests. EDIT: I just verified in my records that was the ordinary Binax Now home test kit they used ("POCT SARS-COV-2 ANTIGEN (BINAX NOW)").

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Ummm. Well. Yes. Healthcare workers don’t receive any education on covid or long covid. Many don’t know what long covid is. Many think that social distancing is an effective way not to get covid. Many applauded the end to masking. Many have been rehired since refusing to be vaccinated. Many are anti vax.

I work in healthcare and worked in public health from 2019-21. It took my going to a long covid clinic to find anyone practicing medicine who knows more about sarscov2 than I do.

On the rapid tests- they don’t work as well for women- in addition to being expired and all.

We live in a sarscov hell of our own making. My understanding is that the new variants are so far from sarscov2- that they need new names…

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