Looks like this beast is headed in the direction of MERS which is bad.

Trouble this way comes.

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Hi TACT...

Don't know if you'll see this, but an interesting paper...


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Thank you. Sorry for the delayed response. It is good news if it can be verified. An earlier study showed that Novavax did increase IgG4 antibodies.

The difference may be this.

When over exposed to the same antigen, reinfected by similar variants and/or immunized with similar vaccines within a 10 month period then the risk of B cells switching class to produce more IgG4 antibodies increases and the IgG4/IgG1 ratio flipping to produce negative consequences increases.

If COVID evolves to become antigenically distinct, like the difference between XBB.1.5 and JN.1, then the switch is much less likely to occur. This study didn't review the XBB.1.5 targeted vaccine but if correct, then it wouldn't boost IgG4 antibodies if infected by JN.1.

The fact that the JN.1 sub-variants can evade antibodies from the XBB sub-variants means that the XBB.1.5 targeted vaccine offers limited, if any benefit. We don't have studies on boosting spike specific T-cells or memory T-cells induced by the XBB.1.5 targeted vaccine but earlier studies showed the spike specific T-cells are specific wane over 30 to 60 days.

Earlier studies show that there wasn't any boost in memory T-cells. If this holds true with the XBB.1.5 targeted vaccine then they offer very little, if any, short term benefit. The risks associated with overactivated and exhausted T-cells increases the odds of other deleterious down stream impacts.

There isn't enough data to support taking the XBB.1.5 targeted vaccine in a JN.1 dominated environment (>90% of all cases). The potential risks outweigh the limited benefit in my opinion.

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Totally concur with your assessment. The paper was written by employees of Novavax so it was definitely spun to put their vaccine in the most positive light. I used the term "interesting" because it was "interesting", but certainly not groundbreaking. I believe the vaccine was less successful against the Omicron strains as opposed to the ancestral strain.

I don't believe the Novavax vaccine was sterilizing in the nasalpharyngeal cavity so it will NOT prevent onward transmission. Unless there is a quantum leap in vaccinology, we will not be vaccinating our way out of this problem.

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TACT...It "feels" that there is something about JN.1 that is significantly different from other variants we have experienced to date. I don't know what that might be and perhaps this idea is off base. Just for example, might JN.1 have a LOONNNGG incubation period where the unsuspecting infectee feels fine and is gleefully spreading the virus unaware that he has it? Now this is pure speculation on my part without any supporting evidence. But such a theory would explain the tremendous transmission that is being observed. While I know that JN.1 is highly immune evasive, it feels like JN.1 might have another Ace in its hand that has yet to be revealed. Do you have any suspicions along these lines or do you think it is just really immune evasive?

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The immune evasion and suppression is increasing the odds of people remaining asymptomatic. JN.1 has a higher affinity towards the respiratory and lung epithelial cells, making it likely to be capable of building a higher viral load that is being exhaled by infectious people. Immunity has waned in many people and JN.1 evades antibodies from XBB variants and those induced by the XBB.1.5 targeted vaccines. Everyone is susceptible to infection. All of these things could increase the

level of transmission.

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That first point is fascinating...I hadn't considered that you might remain asymptomatic LONGER due to immune evasion.

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I was waiting for year end festivities to commence with fireworks and the like. A question slammed into my frontal lobe which went like this:

Are the variants that have risen from the demise of other variants susceptible to the introduction of HOCL? Do we have enough high end grey matter to answer this question?

Please help me with this question. I am deep into formulating a protocol that my wife can utiluze in the shedding the spike protein by rendering the replication of this virus and the vaccine induced spike protein toxicity.

Sincerely, I trust safe travels, family values and a shedding protocol for all in the coming year. There is zero time to waste. We must hasten in the path for recovery. I believe most everyone understands who manufactured the product that carry ill intended evil to every cell. Now, let’s find a protocol that puts us back in the game.

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Need to add the following:

This is what I was speaking to:

(Anhydrous Chloride)

is a substance our immune system secretes to disarm invaders, research shows it inactivates prionic activity, disarms, and may eliminate biofilms. Seems to be a no brainer unless I’m missing a step. Kinda like losing chain of custody and not able to locate the lost time.....

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