Heads up in North Carolina-XBB.1.5.10 is estimated to have an 80% growth advantage over XBB.1.5
XBB.1.5.10 appears to have started somewhere in North Carolina. It has an estimated 80% growth advantage over XBB.1.5
North Carolina Variant Proportions
We can see XBB.1.5 (purple) is the dominant variant in North Carolina and is gaining in prevalence. XBB.1.5.10 is going to help it spread much faster.
North Carolina isn't sequencing that many cases, but XBB.1.5 is clearly the dominant variant and growing in prevalence, as seen above and below. Note: The latest data is only updated through February 4th. (#'s of sequenced cases below)
Cone Health Hospitals in the Greensboro, NC, area are showing COVID hospitalizations increasing again. This includes patients admitted at midnight. It does not include emergency room patients.
According to Cone Health COVID data below, more people are becoming infected for every infected person, as we would expect from a variant with a growth advantage.
Below are the counties with the biggest increases in reproductive numbers, indicating that each person spreads the virus to a greater number of people.
Additional Resources:
North Carolina COVID-19 Dashboard
Cone Health Hospitals COVID Data
T.A.C.T. is read across 43 U.S. states and 40 countries.
T.A.C.T. has been published on Substack for 2 1/2 months and is being read in 43 U.S. states and 40 countries around the world. We would like to thank all of our Substack readers for their continued interest in the latest science and data. COVID has no concept of borders. This is impacting everyone around the world. It takes a global perspective to understand what is happening and to change the trajectory of the unsustainable path we are on.
We have an opportunity to use the cumulative science, data, and technology to provide a healthier future for our children and future generations, but we must invest the resources necessary to make this happen. This won’t happen without advocacy.
T.A.C.T. is reporting the latest science, data, and analysis in order to achieve a sustainable path forward.
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Where are you getting this 80% increase figure from? There's not even an XBB.1.5.10 on the chart you linked to. I only see it in your first graphic.